Discovering Moses: From Wealth to Wastland
Moses' action was deserving of death. He took it upon himself to represent God to the Egyptians and to the children of Israel, but in light of how he thought that representation should be. While the Egyptians didn't treat the Hebrews well, the particular Egyptian's action the day before didn't deserve capital punishment. It was actually Moses' actions now that had to be punished and this is why we find Pharaoh seeking Moses in order to kill him. At this, Moses flees for his life and goes to the land of Midian.
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Discovering Moses: Preparation of Moses thru the Failure
As men of God, do we have the same kind of faith that rejects the fleeting pleasures of this world? One of the men in the group summarized the discussion nicely when he offered, "So, what we are saying is that God is on a mission and He invites us to be part of it with Him. It's not that we have a mission and then ask God to help us figure it out and bless it."
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Discovering Moses: Rescue of the Deliverer Session 7
The timing of Moses' birth seemed to be an unlikely time for the birth of Israel's deliverer and yet it was the absolute perfect timing for God. God is never late! He is always on His game! We are usually overwhelmed and concerned, much of the time, with that which is right in front of us and therefore we can perceive any seemingly delay on God's part as a lack of concern for us. Our concerns are limited by our understanding and by the pressure points we might be experiencing in any given time. But, God's plan is far-reaching and accomplishes that which it was set out to accomplish since the foundation of the world. Let us not lose courage, as men, in doing good and daily trusting Him with our lives. We have a calling that can only be accomplished in Godly wisdom and in His strength - never apart from Him or His word. Our courage comes from knowing His word and applying it in our lives daily. What a joy it is to be a part of a group of men that desires to know God more! Be blessed in Him!
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