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Discovering Moses: Fifth Excuse Of Moses

Description: 5th Excuse: Moses’ Unwillingness. This is the 5th and the final objection that Moses provided to God. In a nutshell, this summarizes all of his other excuses up-to-date. Oh Lord, can you send some else because I am not willing to face my past at this time or any other time? Though Moses had a supernatural encounter with God and was given several divine miracles as proof that God is all powerful, the bottom line was he was afraid. Regardless of the miracles, he had experienced and the fact that he had been in the very presence of God, Moses’ feelings of fear overpowered him. Remember, God hadn’t yet assured Moses about his past and about how the last time he left Egypt he was considered to be a fugitive on the run and that now he would be returning to that very place.

Discovering Moses: Fourth Excuse Of Moses

Description: Discovering Moses Fourth Excuse Of Moses – Session 14

Discovering Moses: Third Excuse Of Moses

Description: Moses 3rd Excuse of Unbelief.Then Moses answered, "But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice, for they will say, 'The LORD did not appear to you.'" (Exodus 4:1) This statement demonstrates Moses’ heart of unbelief. Moses was focused on self by stating they will not believe him. Was it about Moses? One can understand why Moses would be concerned about the elders not believing him. Forty years earlier when he wanted to be Israel’s deliverer he was rejected. At that time, he was told: “Who made you ruler and judge over us (2:14)?” Therefore, Moses was not only concerned whether Pharaoh would recognize his authority, but whether Israel would.