The Story of Hanukkah – As Told In the Scriptures
There are many ideas and narratives surrounding the question “What is Hanukkah?” For example, some people might think that Hanukkah is a Jewish replacement for the Christian’s Christmas - after all, they’re usually celebrated around the same time with gifts and merriment. There are many traditions around this 8-day celebration.
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Chag Sukkot – The Final Destination
The climax of the Fall Festivities according to G-d’s redemptive calendar is Chag Sukkot/Festival of Booths. It was known throughout the centuries as the Zeman Simchateinu/Season of our Rejoicing.
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What: Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year when we are closest to G‑d and to the essence of our souls. The biblical name for the Day of Atonement is Yom Hakippurim meaning "the day of covering or concealing."
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Messianic Perspectives: Passover 2017
As believers in the G-d of Israel, it is exciting to see and understand G-d’s redemptive program(calendar) at work for Israel and for ALL who believe in Him. Festival of Passover is one such appointed time to meet with G-d Of Israel.
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Discovering Moses: Fifth Excuse Of Moses
5th Excuse: Moses’ Unwillingness. This is the 5th and the final objection that Moses provided to God. In a nutshell, this summarizes all of his other excuses up-to-date. Oh Lord, can you send some else because I am not willing to face my past at this time or any other time? Though Moses had a supernatural encounter with God and was given several divine miracles as proof that God is all powerful, the bottom line was he was afraid. Regardless of the miracles, he had experienced and the fact that he had been in the very presence of God, Moses’ feelings of fear overpowered him. Remember, God hadn’t yet assured Moses about his past and about how the last time he left Egypt he was considered to be a fugitive on the run and that now he would be returning to that very place.
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